April 25, 2022

How to Apply for an SBA Express Loan in 4 Steps


  • Business Finances

  • Small Business Loans

Before starting the loan process, it’s crucial to understand how SBA loans work. First, you should note that the Small Business Administration doesn’t directly provide small business loans. Instead, the SBA guarantees a certain portion of the loan. For SBA Express Loans, the SBA will guarantee 50 percent of the loan, but percentages vary for their other loan programming. By guaranteeing the business loan, the SBA lowers the risks for lenders, which encourages them to lend. Lower risk also results in more affordable interest rates for business owners. For instance, SBA Express Loan interest rates are set at a maximum rate between 4.5 to 6.5 percent above prime. The business must operate in the U.S. and be a for-profit enterprise to qualify for the type of loan. In addition, there are other SBA loan qualifications that small business owners must meet, which we’ll detail in this blog post.

How to Apply for an SBA Express Loan:

1. Show that You’ve Invested Time and Money Into Your Business

The SBA strives to support entrepreneurs who have invested in their own business ventures. Ultimately, by having skin in the game, you reduce the risk for the lenders as the likelihood of default will be lower. Thus, it would help if you documented every dollar spent and every hour worked. Specifically, we suggest documenting the following information before pursuing an SBA Express Loan:
  • The amount of money you invested into your business and its products or services.
  • The amount of money invested in your business by other people (business partners, donors, investors, or other outside funding sources)
  • How long your company has been operational.
  • The number of hours per week that you work at your business
  • Equity structures and stakeholders
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2. Prove That You’ve Exhausted Other Lending Opportunities

The SBA considers itself a last resort option, as they guarantee express loans for businesses that can’t qualify for other financing options. Due to this, you’ll need to provide thorough documentation to the SBA that proves that you’ve been unable to secure a loan through traditional lenders. Therefore, before applying for an SBA Express Loan, apply for traditional options, and detail all declines. Although this will be time-consuming, it will help you increase your chances of qualifying for an SBA loan.

3. Know Your Business Lending C’s

When evaluating express loan applicants, the SBA uses the “three C’s” of business lending: credit, cash flow, and collateral. This simplified model refers to the most common factors lenders consider when assessing loan applications. To improve your chances of getting approved, review the “three C’s” as they relate to your business. Credit – This refers to your history of taking out loans and paying your debts. Lenders want to see that you make your weekly or monthly payments on time. Check your credit score before applying for an SBA loan to find out if you meet the credit score requirements. Cash flow – You’ll need to calculate your monthly income minus monthly expenses when determining your cash flow. This is a snapshot of your business’s financial health. Again, assess your monthly cash flow before submitting your application. Collateral – Your collateral assets could be used to back your small business loan amount. If you have significant collateral, this can help you get approved if other areas of your business aren’t strong, such as your credit history. SBA-Express-Loan-In-Text

4. Connect with A Partnering SBA Lender

To obtain an SBA loan, you’ll work with an approved partner lender. First, you’ll be required to fill out the business financing lender’s loan application. Usually, the application process and documentation will vary from lender to lender. However, the SBA does offer an online Lender Match tool to help you get started.

How to Find an SBA Approved Lender

  • Fill out the required loan forms: You’ll have to provide contact information and briefly describe your business’s industry, operations, and overall strategies.
  • Share planned use of funds: Detail how you plan to use the business financing and confirm that it is an approved SBA use of funds. For example, if you’re seeking an Export Express Loan, you must operate in the export market and use the financing for those expenses.
Check which of the following statements apply to your business:
  • I have written a business plan
  • I have financial projections
  • I’m generating revenue
  • I have fixed assets to put forth as collateral
  • I am a Veteran
The more of the above boxes you check, the stronger your express loan application will be, making you more likely to qualify for funding. In addition, you should include a business plan and financial projections. In some cases, it may be helpful to provide tax return information. These details will help the lender see how you run your business, allowing them to assess your needs better. After completing the above forms, you’ll be matched with potential SBA lenders. Remember, the SBA doesn’t guarantee the total business loan amount; instead, they guarantee a portion of it. Therefore, you’ll have to make a strong impression on potential lenders.

Conclusion: Be Thorough When Applying for an SBA Express Loan

Like applying for a personal loan, the SBA Express Loan application process can be pretty intensive. Both the SBA and the business financing lender want to reduce risks and maximize returns. To get approved for this loan type, it’s crucial that you complete the loan application correctly and supply the necessary documentation. Once the lender approves your application, the SBA will generally provide a guarantee within 24 to 36 hours. However, you should prepare to wait longer in some cases, especially if you don’t provide accurate or complete information on your application. However, while SBA loans are an excellent resource, many other business lending options are available. These funding options include loans from alternative lenders, merchant cash advances, business lines of credit, business credit cards, and industry-specific loans. Therefore, if the lender denies your SBA express loan application or you need additional working capital as soon as possible, consider other financial options. Although the loan application process can be daunting and your need for financing might be time-sensitive, don’t be afraid to take the time to weigh your options! Editor’s Note: This post was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in April 2022